The Latest Press from Our Team

Eldercare Success Interview with Nancy May of CareManity

Navigating Senior Living: Insider Tips and Tricks

In this episode of Eldercare Success, host Nancy May and her guest Lynn Smargis discuss the ins and outs of finding a care facility for our delve into the intricacies of finding the right senior living arrangements for your aging parents. This episode is a must-listen for anyone grappling with the emotional and logistical challenges of eldercare.

Lynn’s Journey Supporting Seniors and their Families with Senior Care Academy

Balancing the care of both her young children and her cancer-diagnosed parents, all within a single year, Lynn Smargis found herself thrust into the challenging world of senior care. This life-changing experience ignited her passion for helping families navigate the emotional and financial complexities of caregiving. Join us as Lynn shares her incredible journey and the vital support she offers to prevent families from facing financial ruin. Through her heartfelt stories, you'll understand the deep emotional toll of caregiving and the intricacies of Medicaid spend-downs.

Lynn Smargis on Podium’s Featured Creator Spotlight

In today's fast-paced world, managing both personal and professional responsibilities is a common challenge. Adding the care of aging parents into the mix complicates matters further. Lynn's podcast, ‘Care for Your Aging Parents,’ directly addresses this issue, offering practical advice for Generation X on senior care. This initiative grows out of Lynn’s professional background as a Senior Care Advisor, showcasing her commitment to supporting individuals in the complex journey of arranging long-term care for their elders. To read the full interview with Lynn, click here.

About CYAP

Our team’s mission is to provide appropriate and senior care solutions for the adult children and senior population of the families we serve, such as financial assistance, eldercare referrals, and timely resources for our clients. We serve to support your family using our experience and training that only a senior care specialist can provide your family.

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